Thursday, August 16, 2012

Okay, so

A bit of a break, even for me. One would think that not wanting to go out much would give me more time to post, not less! But, to be honest, I've been reading up on stuff. Scary stories. A haunted cartridge, a cult site dedicated to the moon - though it's dead now - some tumblr creepypasta about a "tulpa"....

And a faceless guy in a suit, of course, because if you're looking for stuff to keep you up at night, that's one of the first things to stumble across.

I have a follower now, due to my forays into the vast timesink of the internet! Hey there! Uh... I don't actually know what to say. Thanks for bothering to follow me? I will try to be interesting.

Well, I might have some cool stuff to talk about. Eventually.

Ahahaha, is that attempt at being cryptic working? No? I didn't think so.

I won't lie, I've got some things that I might want to share at some point. But right now? Reading up on the latest leaks of Doctor Who is more important. It's not like anyone is listening - or well reading - anyways~

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Not much to say here, given I have no followers. Not a surprise, though - I still have no real idea of how to spread the word.

And even if I want the word to be spread. I mean, who'll be willing to read this anyways? It's not like I have a theme going or anything. My life is hardly incredibly interesting. Who wants to hear about a girl living in her house and blogging about stuff like... I don't know, buying two bags of milk today or whatever.

I've been reading about... a lot of stuff, lately. TV Tropes is a great timesink. A wonderful, terrible, timesink that steals my thoughts away.... It also helps in finding new interesting stuff to read, like creepypasta and all that. And blogs.

I have to say, the stuff I'm reading up on now... is terribly impressive in its complexity. Like holy shit, the power of the internet to the max. I haven't even scratched the surface of all the material, which is pretty amazing in and of itself. My week will be pretty full of reading stuff, at this rate.

Uh. Should I... I don't know, sign off with a cool message or something?

Oh god these posts are so self-conscious heeeeelp.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Um, hi. I'm Aria.

Damn, this is more awkward than I would have imagined. People are going to read this and see what a huge dork I am! Or... not read this because I have no idea how to get followers on this thing. And even if I had them, what would I do with them? I kind of suck at... well, dealing with people.

Alright, might as well clear the air and get everything out at once. I'm Aria. I'm a girl. I live in Canada, in a house alone except for my dog (plott hound and pit bull mix). I am old enough to legally live on my own. You don't really need to know about my family, I guess. I like Homestuck a lot, I watch anime, I go on Tumblr, I like Doctor Who... lots of the usual internet hermit stuff. I don't have a problem fitting in online.

I just... kind of have agoraphobia. And also social anxiety but those kind of go hand in hand at times. Stuff is complicated and I don't really want to spill my emotional guts in my first post. I mean, come on, got to have some sort of class! Anyways. I go outside, yes. I can function. I just... don't like crowds much. Or really huge spaces with crowds in them, so malls are kind of a problem. So are airports and stations and the like.

Funnily enough, outside in natural areas are fine. Makes me wish I lived in a rural area - it'd be nice to head into the forest and sit there and... I don't know, take a nap or daydream or something. And get eaten alive by bugs, but my point stands!

Anyways, this blog is... I guess it's just a blog run by an idiot teenager. I mean, sure, the title and url are pretentious but I don't actually know what I'm doing here. Will this detail the Stunning Adventures as I Venture Out Into the City???

Only time will tell.

Right, shutting up now!